To Prevent the Future

     As the previous page mentions, things are going to get very bad for France. However, it also mentions the causes for lack of workforce and some of these causes can be easily remedied. For example, one of the causes was lack of immigrants. Immigration is great for a country because immigrants do not contribute to the dependency load of children, they come at a workforce age, adding to population and economy! Another cause of population troubles is a decreasing birth rate and increasing death rate. There is nothing much you can do about the death rate, as health care is already very good, and it isn't recommended to encourage a rise in fertility rates.   
     This is because of the baby boom around 1945 to 1974 caused by the government giving benefits to those with children. It was too effective and the aftermath is what caused the high dependency load to begin with. France should let the bottle neck of seniors pass and not tamper with fertility rate. Immigration should increase birth rate just by more people being in the country to have children. To be more to the point, the government should increase birth rate and not meddle in fertility rate. Fertility rate is how many children a couple has on average, and birth rate is how many children are being born. They are similar, as a high fertility rate leads to a high birth rate. However, France needs more couples each with 2.33 kids, not some couples with lots of kids.
     To deal with the growing elderly, France should raise the retirement age. The government has already raised it, they should just raise it more so that they don't have to support the elderly as long.